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Advisor Pricing

The MoneyReady App offers a free trial and $60 one-month extended trial to advisors.

  • Free trial: 3 runs of the TIME MACHINE.
  • No credit card required.
  • Use your own or your typical client scenario to try out the site.
  • $60 one-month extended trial : unlimited runs of the TIME MACHINE and all pro-features included.
  • You can add low-income senior clients for free.

FREE trial


$160 per client
  • Client subscription expires in one year (renewable).
  • Free clients after 10 purchased. Unlimited clients (Payments restart on earliest purchased client anniversary date)
  • Can switch to Friends & Family or Professional plan any time.
  • Always free for low-income seniors

Best for: adding clients sporadically.

Friends & Family Advisor Packs

$390for 5-client pack
  • Additional clients can be added or renewed by purchasing additional 5-client packs or switching to either of the other plans.
  • Clients expire on pack purchase anniversary date (or minimum 1 month from adding the client).
  • Always free for low-income seniors

Best for: Advisors with fewer than 20 clients per year.

Professional Advisor one-year subscription

$1200 for unlimited clients
  • Unlimited new clients or renewals.
  • Clients expire on plan anniversary date (minimum 1 month from adding the client).

Best for: Advisors with more than 20 clients per year.

Additional tools for advisors

Get started for free

Quick Client Data Entry

Single page form will pre-populate your client's data with a spouse (optional), accounts, incomes, expenses and automatic savings to get you started faster.

Separate site for client logins.

You can optionally set up your client such that they can log in to their account and enter or edit data for you or with you.

Their site is much simplified and has no calculators.

They can view and compare the plans that you allow them to see.

Your letterhead will be shown on their site and in pdf reports.

Client List

Included tools

Withdrawal optimizer output graph screenshot

Cash-flow calculators and optimizers


    Our comprehensive and accurate calculator can handle any scenario.

  2. CHOOSE YOUR LEGACY (subscription required)

    Finds how much you can spend or give away to not run out of money and leave a legacy of your choosing.

  3. The Withdrawal Optimizer (subscription required)

    Finds the smart approach to minimize taxes in retirement and maximize your legacy.

    It can also find your optimal age to start CPP.

  4. The Simple Retirement Calculator

    Just one input screen with basic information. It's limited and approximate, but quick and easy. You can use it at any time for anyone. Now available without registration

Cash-flow diagram

Extensive reports

Many interactive graphs

Detailed cash-flows, taxes and balance sheet for every year

Results shown in future or today's dollars

Excel and PDF downloads

Download a sample plan pdf file

Saved runs screenshot

Save and restore scenarios

Explore different financial planning scenarios

Save and compare the results

Restore a previous scenario so it can be run again with updated values.

Tax tool screenshot

Taxes and government benefits

Taxes and most credits calculated federally and for all provinces and territories.

RDSP and RESP grants and bonds are calculated.

OAS, GIS, CPP, QPP and survivor pensions are calculated.

Corporate taxes are calculated for CCPCs.

Account types screenshots


Can hold investments in any currency.

Advisor portfolios can easily be copied to client accounts.

Updated investment values (optional)

We update daily values and distributions for over 60,000 North American securities. Data are provided by ©Fundata Canada Inc.

This includes all Canadian and US stocks and ETFs, and all Canadian Mutual and Segregated funds.

Your distributions are updated every day in a downloadable table.

Wealthica logo WEALTHICA integration (optional).


U.S. Canada Cross Border Planning

For Canadian residents with some previous work history in the U.S.

IRAs (traditional and Roths). RMDs are considered.

U.S Social Security is calculated, including spousal benefits.

The U.S.-Canadian Social Security Agreement, WEP and GPO are considered.

Rebalancing screenshot

Account rebalancing and Portfolio Optimization (Subscription required)

For portfolios with fewer assets: our proprietary rebalancing tool allows for mixed-allocation funds and ETFs. It considers fees and expected returns.

For portfolios with larger number of assets: rebalance and optimize using Modern Portfolio Theory to maximize return and minimize volatility.

Rebalancing and optimization can be calculated over multiple accounts.

Market simulation screenshot

Market simulator

Simulating changing financial market conditions.

Rates, yields, currency exchange rates can also be set for any year.

Stress test your entire financial plan.

Monte Carlo simulations (Subscription required).

Small business icon

Small Businesses

Investing through your private corporation.

Taking salary or dividends from your private corporation.

Corporate taxes are calculated for CCPCs.

Commuted value screenshot

Pensions and Annuities

Considering the commuted value of a private pension.

Considering annuities.

Pension income splitting is automatically calculated.

Amortization table screenshot


Term loans.

Lines of credit.

Credit cards.

Readvanceable mortgages.

Investment loans.

Smith Manoeuvre.

Prescribed rate loans to spouse.

Loans payable to you, your spouse or your CCPC.

Real estate types screenshot

Real estate

Principal residence.

Principal residence with rental.

Investment properties.

Recreational properties.

Change of use and the Capital Gains Exemption.

Home Buyer's Plan, FHSAs.


A context-dependent Help screen is available on every page.

Rapid email support. English and Français

Phone/video consultation available (subscription required). English and Français

Extensive eBook.

Community Forum