The MoneyReady Forum
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From my reading, CPP values are difficult to estimate. Especially when you stop working before 60 and have a number of extra non-contributary years.

I have even attempted to have Doug Ruchey ( calculate for me but he is no longer offering this service

How accurate have these calculations been on the MoneyReady App? 

It seems quite high compared with other calculators I have used.

I have parsed all my data from my statement of contributions and have checked that they are correct.

Thanks for the responses. This makes sense now. I have read the ebook and many of the help sectiuons on each page, I think I am starting to get it. I am trying to keep things simple at first, and I have put in my info as accurately as possible. More questions to follow.😄

Does the Time Machine always calculate the most tax effiecient way to withdraw funds?

If a legacy is not a priority, is there any benefit to running the optimizer?