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Hi. I have a question regarding the withdrawal optimizer and when RSPs are converted to RRIFs. Does the time machine/withdrawal optimizer choose what age is best to convert RSP to RRIF and start collecting payments? (Overriding any age the user inputs). In the Accounts and Investment section where the RRSP is entered, it seems that under the additional information section, there is a mandatory field: “Age converted or to convert RRIF”. I see that it is not possible to leave the field blank and have the optimizer choose for me what age is optimal to convert to RRIF and start collecting payments. Changing to various different ages seems to do the RRIF conversion on whatever age I specify. If the withdrawal optimizer does not choose the optimal age to convert RSP to RRIF, do I need to change the age to convert to RRIF and do various runs to see by trial and error which results in the best for me in terms of minimum lifetime taxes or maximum estate at end of life? Thanks in advance!