The MoneyReady Forum
Posts: 245

When logged in, you can select to search all the MoneyReady documentation using OpenAI from our forum search page. Just type in any question you may have and a response will be generated with an OpenAI large language model. The model has been fed all the information in the MoneyReadyApp eBook, all the app's help pages, all the forum posts, all our blog posts, the app's homepage, and our various other pages. It is instructed to answer only based on those documents. It does not know your data.

The answer given is sometimes surprisingly smart, sometimes disappointingly wrong, and often incomplete.  We attempt to provide the references to the top documents it used to form its answer so you can quickly find the source of the information.

If the AI answer is not useful, please don't hesitate to contact us with your question or post it on the Forum. You'll get a real human to respond.




Posts: 245

Updates on this as people ask me questions about the AI:

  1. Is it safe? Yes, your data is not sent to OpenAI, only your question. Don't put personal information in the question.
  2. If you did, it wouldn't know what to do with it anyway. It's a language model, instructed to answer questions based on the MoneyReady documents only. It's not a calculator or a financial advisor/planner.  It understands language and is aware of the MoneyReady documents only. It can't run the tools for you or analyse your data.
  3. Vous pouvez lui demander des questions en Français, et le AI repondra en Français si possible car il peut faire la traduction des documents. C'est pas toujours parfait.