1.  A new graph. A graph of TFSA and RRSP room at the end of each year in the TIME MACHINE is now shown in the results. This is in addition to the graph of TFSA and RRSP room at the beggining of each year. These will help you determine how much room you have and how much room you used up each year.
  2. The TIME MACHINE's results large table shows net-deposits to accounts (total deposits minus withdrawals) in the year. The individual year reports now break down the deposits and withdrawals to accounts. Instead of just the net amount seen in the Cash IN or Cash OUT sub-tables, you might have an entry for the same account in both, ie. the total withdrawals  for the year, and the total deposits for the year separately.
  3. The Excel download of all investments in all acccounts now has an additional column showing the owner of the account (useful if there is a spouse).

The first 2 changes will only apply to new TIME MACHINE runs as they can't be made retroactively.

These changes were made due to user suggestions, so thanks for your feedback!