Dear MoneyReadyApp users,

We have added a new functionality to the MoneyReadyApp. This one is for dividend-lovers. From now on, you will be able to see all dividends and distributions received, in the form of a table. It is accessible from a button below your ACCOUNTS table or your All-investments table.
This will allow you to see the changes we made to your investments and keep track of dividends.

Previously, we updated your investments with new prices and distributions only when you clicked on the ACCOUNTS and INVESTMENTS link.
But this was slow and not scalable for people with many investments.
We now automatically update everyone's investments nightly, just after we have received and processed the market data from Fundata.
This means you will no longer see the distributions as a flashed message when you click accounts and investments. The table will load much more quickly, and you can view/print or download the stored distributions.
Another plus is you will only see the "We are updating market prices, please review your accounts and investments later" very briefly, if at all.

There is a Help for this page on the Distributions table page with more details.

We welcome any questions and feedback,

Elisabeth Tillier, Ph.D
Head of Money-Ready