The MoneyReady Forum
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Hi Elisabeth,

In my non-registered accounts I am holding ETFs that pay a distribution that is made entirely of ROC.  When setting the ETF distributions to reflect 100% ROC I am encountering an issue that there is a cashfow issue.  However, if I move the same distribution from ROC to Dividend, the issue is resolved.  It would appear in this case that perhaps MRA is assuming that I am not receiving a cash distribution, however, I am.  I want to ensure proper taxation is calculated on my distributions.

Will you please advise what is causing this?

Hi Elisabeth,

How does MRA handle the tax scenario when the cost base gets to zero for an investment?  Does it then begin calculating capital gains taxes?

I have a few ETFs whose distributions include both eligible dividends and foreign income.  Currently, I am setting the Dividend type to "Eligible", though Foreign is also an option.  What I don't see is a way to identify both types of income for a single ETF and the percentage of each.  An example of this type of ETF is XGRO.

As a result, no FI is being used in the TM calculations.

How do you suggest I do this so that the foreign income is captured correctly?


Hi Elisabeth, 

I want to be able to run a scenario to do the following:

1. Withdraw monthly earned distributions from our TFSA accounts to cover expenses,

2. In January the following year, fully recontribute to our TFSA's from our RRIF's, then from our Non-Reg accounts using all available room.

3. Repeat each year until RRIF and NR accounts are depleted.

4. Continue to withdraw TFSA distributions to cover expenses. 

Could you advise how to set up this scenario in MR?