The MoneyReady Forum
Posts: 5

From my reading, CPP values are difficult to estimate. Especially when you stop working before 60 and have a number of extra non-contributary years.

I have even attempted to have Doug Ruchey ( calculate for me but he is no longer offering this service

How accurate have these calculations been on the MoneyReady App? 

It seems quite high compared with other calculators I have used.

I have parsed all my data from my statement of contributions and have checked that they are correct.

Posts: 245

The MoneyReady App follows the methodology of the CPP legislation and its estimates are very accurate and also transparent as you can check the calculation in two ways.

First, where you enter your statement of contributions in the app, it will show its estimate of your CPP amount if you start it at age 65. You can check that this amount is very close to the estimate given to you at the CRA website. Unfortunately that estimate is not very accurate for planning, as for that calculation the CRA assumes your current average earnings stay the same until 65.

The MoneyReady App TIME MACHINE makes a more accurate estimate by considering not only your earnings to date but also your future earnings as you entered them in INCOMES. It will also consider the child-rearing provision if you entered DEPENDENTS, and it considers years you collected CPP disability payments and also the Post Retirement benefit when appropriate in your scenario. If a spouse pre-deceases the other, the combined benefit to the survivor is also calculated.

Once you have run the TIME MACHINE you can check the accuracy of the calculation by looking at the REPORT. The pdf report shows the calculated Pensionable table in all years. The table shows earnings, first additional earnings, second additional earnings and the months for the year included in the calculation. Average earning are shown at the bottom, those are used to get the final CPP amount. If you haven't run a TIME MACHINE yet, you can still see an example of that in the Sample plan that can be downloaded.