The MoneyReady Forum
Posts: 1

Just setup a subscription to MRA, populating all my information and learning my way around. I haven't found a way (or any reference in the forums) on how to properly add a one-time future contribution to an RRSP or TFSA so everything is calculated properly into the future. As an example I will get a payout of my sick time/vacation time from my work when I retire. A large amount of this wil be directly deposited in my RRSP (up to my limit) and some will go into TFSA. How do I set this up to include these amounts in RRSP and TFSA deposited on my retirement date?  Thank you.

Posts: 247

Welcome! You can set contributions to accounts in the AUTOMATIC SAVINGS and WITHDRAWALS Tab. Select the account you want to deposit to. Then who will be making the deposit, if it's your employer, select "OTHER". For a one-time contribution, set the Start date to the same date as the End date. You can select those two dates to be linked to your retirement date, and if you later change it in your PROFILE to explore a different scenario, the deposit date will be changed automatically. Then enter the amount you expect to receive. The TIME MACHINE will make the deposit on the date requested, up to the contribution limits (for the type of account) it calculates for you at the time. There's a Help for this page where you can read all the details on entering AUTOMATIC SAVINGS and WITHDRAWALS.