The MoneyReady Forum
Posts: 1

I would like to invest a future lump sum income amount into equities within my Non-Registered account. I can set my Priorities to recognize the income in the correct account, but it treats the balance as cash. Is there a way to have this amount treated as an equity portfolio? If I enter a portfolio in the Non-Registered account at a date after the income is received, it shows up as duplicate income. Thanks.

Posts: 247
I presume you added the lump sum in INCOME with the same start/end date.
To get the funds into the NON-REGISTERED account you can use Priorities, but the best way to make sure it absolutely goes there is to enter an AUTOMATIC SAVING to that account. Use the same date for beg/end as the date you receive the income. In either case, the money will go into the Cash investment at first.
To get it into equities, add a Portfolio investment in the account with an asset allocation to 100% equities. The value can be 0. This step is not necessary if you already have equities in that account. Then in your ACCOUNTS list click on Edit Target Asset allocation for the account, and set it to what you want, probably 0% Cash and 100% equities if there are only equities and no fixed-income in the account.
The TIME MACHINE will rebalance the account to the account's target asset allocation, so all the Cash will go to buy the equity investments.