The MoneyReady Forum
Posts: 9

I'm new to the MoneyReady app and I've been tweaking my plan and enjoying the process. I've run the Withdrawal Optimizer and it recommended improvements that will substantively improve our long term outlook, but outside of adjusting the CPP age manually I can't find a way to apply the recommendations to my plan so that it becomes my plan of record so I can stress test against the monte carlo simulator. I assume it will involve changing future dated priotities, but how should I go about this or is there an easy button I'm missing?

Posts: 247

Hi and welcome.

The Optimizer uses a mathematical algorithm to find the optimum, not simple rules of thumb. If we set your scenario to the optimal plan found by the Optimizer, it would look like a very complicated large mess. The reason is that the TIME MACHINE run applies the algorithm's recommendations by setting AUTOMATIC withdrawals (sometimes savings) for each of the appropriate account types and each year. The run resolves that to your actual accounts, and can also make additional adjustments to your PRIORITIES on the fly in accommodating the suggestions including a fuller and more accurate tax calculation that the Optimizer algorithm can handle on its own.

You can see what it did in the results shown. The details are in the TIMETABLE, but the most useful output to analyse what it did, are the Consumption graphs and the Cash-Flow summary. Those give you a good indication of where money is coming from in every year. You can use that to set up your scenario to mimic it by adjusting your AUTOMATIC savings/withdrawals and/or PRIORITES. This way you can match the Optimizer, and possibly even beat it. This will also give you a much better understanding of your plan, which will make it much easier for you to follow.

Posts: 9

Thanks, that makes sense - I have my work cut out for me :)