The MoneyReady Forum
Posts: 4

Hi - if I want to run the projections in the time machine as if today is Jan 1, 2024, is that possible? I understand I would have to set all account balances to their values as at Jan 1 as well. But then I wouldn't have to enter the taxes and dividends paid to date, for example, and I could keep sensitivity testing with a constant base throughout the year. The AI bot seems to think there is a prompt for this in the time machine, but I don't see it. Thank you. 

ps. I love the software. It's truly amazing. 

Posts: 248

There's nothing in the documentation about that and the AI loves to make stuff up when it doesn't know. In this case, it is on to something though, because that feature does exist. But is not available to users. I use it mostly for testing things. Particularly near the end of the year, to make sure that nothing will break when the new year rolls around. I'll look into making it available and let you know.


Posts: 4

Thank you for the response. Perhaps interestingly, I have another financial planning software package where it's *only* possibly to run scenarios as if it's January 1 of the current year. It's not as powerful as this app though, so I prefer to run this one. Thanks again. 

Posts: 248

Thanks. I'm sure you would also not use a broken clock even though it's accurate twice a day :)