The MoneyReady Forum
Posts: 58

I discovered that some column headers in the TM export file were changed. Just wondering why these were changed and if more are forthcoming?  I transform your export files (TM and Investments) using Power Query and whenever a column header changes, it blows up the transform.  It's all fixable, but I wasn't expecting these changes.

I'm also wondering whether it was just the column titles that changed or if the data in any of the affected columns changed, too?

May I request that changes to the export files be communicated when they happen so that I know what is changing?  Thanks. 

Posts: 242

Yes I made some changes in reports to clear up confusion. “GROSS INCOME” is now called “EXTERNAL INCOME”. No changes to calculation.

Retirees were confused that I didn’t consider account withdrawals as income.

“NET INCOME” is gone (it used to be simply gross income - taxes, so easily calculated if you need it). 

It was replaced by ACCOUNT WITHDRAWALS, which is just the sum of all account withdrawals (not Wallets), and loan proceeds.

SAVINGS is now called NET SAVINGS, No change in calculation.

This removes tax-sounding terms which are kind of misleading here. For a tax calculation you should really look at the year report or the tax values in the spreadsheet.

The year reports were also modified, as was the full report for clarity mostly.

The year and full report  has an additional tax entry called “foreign taxes paid” when relevant (mostly for my USA expats with IRAs), may add that to the spreadsheet too. I’m handling US withholding taxes on Non-registered investments slightly differently than for the IRA (they are calculated, but not in the reports), so I need to see if those investment withholding taxes could be reported there too for completeness.

Sorry I forgot about you, will try to remember to give you a heads up next time,