The MoneyReady Forum
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I had to enter 3  accounts manually because the financial institutions aren’t handled by Wealthica. All 3 of these accounts only hold GICs. 
I don’t feel like they are set up correctly, as I didn’t see a place to specify the details of each GIC, and they are all listed as type “Portfolio” instead of “Bond” like the ones that flow through Wealthica.
How/where do I fix this?
Posts: 245
When you manually add an account, if you enter the asset allocation for it where it asks (%Fixed income, %Equities) instead of leaving those fields blank, it will automatically create a Portfolio investment for you with that asset allocation. This is convenient for people who do not want to enter individual securities but just keep track of the balance of their portfolio. In that case, they are done.
You can still add individual securities to the account. Go to the investments for the account and below the table are the buttons to Add investments in different currencies. Clicking on + Add CAD investment will then ask for the Investment Type, and you can select the "GIC, Bond or Term deposit” from all the types, and add a name for it. Then it will ask you for the information for the investment including rate and maturity.
So you can add those GICs manually, and delete the Portfolio investments. 
GICs are a little tricky to manage for the TIME MACHINE. It will respect their maturity date and never sell them before then even if money is required. You can also set future renewal dates and rates for each GIC in RATES/YIELDS/CURRENCIES. Once their term is up however it might get reinvested automatically anyway if money is not needed.